
This reporter summed up what's happening in Syria and it's heartbreaking


Dozens of Syrians were killed and injured in a rebel-held Syrian town yesterday, following what many believe to be a chemical gas attack.

UK-based monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has put the death toll at 72, including 20 children.

Russia claims a Syrian air strike hit a rebel ammunition store. Damascus however, denies using chemical weapons. While Britain’s ambassador to the UN, Mathew Rycroft, said that it is “clearly a war crime”.

The attacks are one of many incidents over the six-year-long civil war in Syria, which has seen millions flee the country.

Reporter Dan Rather has implored people to pay attention to what’s happening.

He wrote on Facebook:

It is tragic that it takes a horrific deadly gas attack in Syria to put the heartbreaking plight of the men, women, and children trapped in that hell on Earth back in the headlines.

Take a moment to pause in your day. Do not skip past this story as part of the background noise of our modern world. I believe we should force ourselves to at least consider the implications.

Look at the pictures of the dead children.

We are witnessing a sheer slaughter on our watch. It is a situation that doesn't lend itself to easy answers, so the world chooses to look the other way.

Here's Rather's full post, which has had more than 27,000 shares.

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