
The Dad’s Army intro has been hilariously edited for the Brexit Party

There’s a lot to discuss about Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party logo - which looks like an arrow on a blue background pointing to the right.

While it’s highly symbolic of the party’s desire to shift UK politics to the right, it’s also been accused of being designed to manipulate voters on their ballots, on which the arrow points to the selection box.

Anna Soubry has also suggested it could be a fallen house on a blue background - an equally fitting metaphor for its effect on the Conservative Party.

Political undertones aside, it also bears some resemblance to the Dad’s Army intro.

The team over at Mockeree decided to capitalise on this likeness to maximum comedic effect.

The resulting video shows the Brexit Party logo advancing and retreating across Europe while beleaguered by milkshakes to the tune of "who do you think you're kidding, Mr Hitler", before resolving into a credit that reads, "T**** Army, investigated by the Electoral Commission".

As you'd expect, the internet was delighted.

While others suggested further improvements.

This isn't the first time Dad's Army has fuelled Brexit controversy.

Last year, the Royal Mail released a run of stamps commemorating the show for its 50th anniversary, which happened to land on the same day as MPs first voted on the EU withdrawal bill.

Featuring such quotes as "We're doomed. Doomed!" and "It won't cost you much...", some suggested there might be a little subliminal messaging at play.

The Dad's Army intro also played a role in the time that Have I Got News For You appeared to predict Brexit in 1997.

The panel show adapted the beloved show's intro to display the United Kingdom growing a boot and punting mainland Europe, before Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland secede in a puff of smoke.

It's a 20-year-old vision of the country that, with the exception of Wales, shows signs of being disturbingly prescient.

At the very least, it highlights just how long anti-EU sentiment has been felt within the UK.

More: Have I Got News For You sort of predicted Brexit back in 1997

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