
A teenager wouldn't stop dabbing as his dad was sworn in by the Speaker of the House

House Speaker Paul Ryan was left feeling confused and completely out of touch with the current generation, after mistaking a young man’s attempt at ‘dabbing’ – for a sneeze.

Kansas Republican Roger Marshall was sworn into office on Monday - placing his hand on a copy of the Bible to complete the ceremony, and posing for the obligatory photo.

His son, dressed in Republican red, stood next to him.


Picture: Jeremy Art/Twitter screengrab

Seriously look at his face. He’s definitely planning something.

Picture: Jeremy Art/Twitter screengrab

And then, as the flash went off for a photo, he dabbed. And dabbed.

Picture: Jeremy Art/Twitter screengrab

And, to the utter confusion of the House Speaker, he dabbed some more.

Picture: Jeremy Art/Twitter screengrab

Ryan asked the teenager if he was ok, and got an 'I'm alright' in response.

Still baffled, he eventually said:

Do you want... Can you put your hand down?

Having reached peak rebellion, the congressman's son obliged.

Not ending there, and still trying to understand what happened, Ryan asked him if he had wanted to sneeze.

Looking straight at the camera, the teen responded with 'yes'. It was a sneeze.


Picture: Jeremy Art/Twitter screengrab

Dabbing originated from a dance in Atlanta, Georgia, and swiftly made it to cultural fad level. It consists of putting your head in the inside crook of your elbow as you point both hands in the opposite direction.

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