
Countdown contestant's answer is really NSFW so whatever you do please don't Google it

A Countdown contestant elicited unintentional giggles from viewers after he won a round of the Channel 4 game show by spelling the word "hentai".

Hentai, for those of you that don’t know, is anime porn.

After Marwan Riach’s opponent Tom Silverlock looked at the nine letters offered, TINEYATPH, he came up with the word "patty".

Not bad, five letters.

Riach did better. After the 30 seconds were up he suggested, somewhat sheepishly, the six-letter word “hentai” which is the name of a genre of sexually explicit anime and manga.

Picture: Channel 4

In a combination of words not yet heard on daytime television, Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner responded:

Hentai is brilliant.

The internet had a laugh.

Dent defined hentai as “a subgenre of a Japanese anime or manga” but cleverly kept out the bit about the explicit sex.

The word hentai originally comes from “hentai seiyoku sha”, meaning a type of perverse sexual desire or act.

Don’t Google it. Seriously.

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