
Could you see the little girl drowning in this pool? Luckily the lifeguard did

Could you see the little girl drowning in this pool? Luckily the lifeguard did

The sun beams gently on your skin as you wait for the big wave-machine surge to come around.

Even though you’re relaxing, you would never miss a child drowning anywhere near you, right?

Lifeguard Rescue uploaded a new video from a swimming pool in South Carolina, of a quick-witted lifeguard jumping into the water and saving a three-year-old girl from drowning.

Who could miss a drowning child?

The lifeguard quickly spots the little girl pulled under by a big wave, blows the whistle to alert staff to shut off the wave function, and dives right in.

Did you spot her? No? Here's a closeup:

Still a no? There:

The lifeguard, who has not been named, was reported to have said:

I had to walk this three year old girl around until I could find her family. They had no idea she was missing.

I have been doing this for 18 years and I am still amazed by the lack of supervision some kids get around the water.

YouTube channel LifeGuard Rescue posts clips of incidents like this to help raise awareness of how easy it is to miss someone in trouble in the water and to help train other lifeguards.

Here's the entire video:

Did you spot the little girl? Tell us in the comments below.

H/T: Mail Online

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