Matthew Champion
Feb 02, 2015

A comic has revealed how an upcoming gig at a university was cancelled due to safety concerns, owing largely to the fact she's the 'wrong type of feminist'.
In a post on Facebook, Kate Smurthwaite, due to appear tonight at Goldsmiths College in London, revealed the show had been pulled "because security say they cannot guarantee the safety of students... seriously".
She explained that a minority of members of Goldsmiths Feminist Society (70 per cent voted to support the appearance) had decided to picket the gig because of her support for the Nordic model of prostitution, which decriminalises sex workers but criminalises those who purchase sex.
Smurthwaite said she had received a message from the organiser of the university's comedy society complaining of "aggressive messages" from the FemSoc.
Ironically, tonight's one-woman show, Leftie Cock Womble, is all about free speech.
Smurthwaite added:
The strangest thing is that my show is not about prostitution. I don't even mention it. In a massively ironic coincidence my show is about free speech, it's power and uses and abuses. It is also about Saudi prisoner of conscience Raif Badawi who is now being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
I find it very strange that anyone would feel they couldn't enjoy a comedy show unless they agreed with 100% of the political views of the person performing. Goldsmiths have recently hosted Phil Kay and Rob Beckett - did anyone ask them what they think about fox hunting or all-female shortlists?
In a tweet, the Goldsmith Feminist Society said it had nothing to do with the decision to cancel the gig.
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