A new tool lets you see what colour your name is and it's seriously addictive.
Created by Bernadette Sheridan, it allows you to see what people living with grapheme-color synesthesia when they hear or think about people's names.
For people like Bernadette, colours are closely linked to sounds and letters, so their brains are constantly thinking in colour.
She counts the number of letters in the name and visualises the colours of each letter.
Writing for Elemental, Sheridan explained:
Your name may be Emily, but to me, you’re a bright, sunny swath of five letters with an “E” and an “I.” When I meet you again later, I may think your name is Emily or Jille or Ellie. Those three names “look” remarkably similar to someone who operates as I do.
Coincidentally, names with phonetic spellings look remarkably similar to each other. For example, Phoebe and 'Feebee' both use a combination of yellows and blues.
So what better to illustrate some examples than choosing celebrities with one name?
If you want to try out some of your own combinations, try the tool.
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