
Stephen Colbert catches the moment Fox News 'implies Trump is racist'

On last night’s Late Show, Stephen Colbert spotted the moment a Fox host implied Donald Trump may be a ‘racist’.

Never one to shy away from criticising Trump, Stephen Colbert spent a chunk of Tuesday night’s Late Show With Stephen Colbert criticising his ability to behave like an actual president in the wake of the weekend’s mass shootings in Texas and Ohio.

In the segment, Colbert read out a statement released via Twitter by Barack Obama, in which he condemns “language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred or normalises racist sentiments”.

Without specifically naming President Trump, Obama's statement goes on to say:

Such language isn't new - it's been at the root of most human tragedy throughout history, here in America and around the world.

It is at the root of slavery and Jim Crow, the Holocaust, genocide in Rwanda and ethnic cleansing in the Balklans. It has no place in our politics and our public life.

While the statement seems pretty pointed, it doesn’t actually mention Trump by name, as Colbert points out, yet a host at Fox & Friends did outwardly name the president when discussing it.

Fox host Brian Kilmeade asked whether George W. Bush ever criticised Obama after Sandy Hook, to which Colbert said:

“Wait, why are you acting so offended? Obama didn’t say Trump was the racist – you just did.”

He went on: “It’s like if you said ‘It’s time for someone to stop taking dumps on my lawn’ and your neighbour goes ‘You can’t prove I did it!’”

Colbert has been a long time critic of the President, previously going as far as saying that racism is Trump's 'brand'.

Watch the full segment below:

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