So it's time to settle the biggest debate at Christmas.
Which chocolate selection box to buy during the holidays?
Thankfully, a major polling company has supplied us with some cold, hard data to settle the matter.
So hang on to your Green Triangles and Bounty's, a major breakdown of Great Britain is incoming.
YouGov ranked the favourite chocolates in each selection box, including Quality Street:
Cadbury Roses:
Cadbury Heroes:
So here are the top five most liked chocolates by net likes:
Percentage is as of weighted sample size (Picture: indy100)
Here are the top five most disliked chocolates by net dislikes: Percentage is as of weighted sample size (Picture: indy100)
Percentage is as of weighted sample size (Picture: indy100)
So what was the most loved box when you average the score for every chocolate? Drum roll please:
Percentage is of mean chocolate scores, as percentage of weighted sample size (Picture: indy100)
There's one more nugget of interest to leave you with. The last Bounty in the box, as it were.
It turns out, the older you get the more likely you are to be fastidious about putting the wrappers in the bin, and not back in the box.
Percentage is as of weighted sample size (Picture: indy100)
You young monsters. This is why Brexit happened.
HT YouGov
More: Cadbury is selling this retro selection box that has all your old favourites