Hani Richter
Oct 30, 2016

Getty Images George Frey / Stringer
A woman in China has bought a house after persuading her 20 boyfriends to each buy her an iPhone.
The story made headlines when a woman blogging under the pseudonym ‘Proud Qiaoba’ shared a story about her colleague.
Xiaoli [not her real name], a woman from the city of Shenzen in southern China, reportedly asked each of her 20 boyfriends to buy her the newly launched iPhone 7, which they did.
The BBCreports that she then went on to sell the pones to a mobile recycling site called Hui Shou Bao for 115 Chinese yuan (around £14,000), which she used as a deposit on a house in the countryside.
Proud Qioba blogged that her friend: "is not from a wealthy family. Her mum is a housewife and her dad is a migrant worker, and she is the oldest daughter. Her parents are getting old and she might be under a lot pressure hoping to buy them a house... But it's still unbelievable that she could use this method!"
People commenting on China's microblogging site Sina Weibo expresssed their surprise at her enterprising method.
A hashtag translating as '20 mobiles for a house' began circulating on the site and became the country's top trend.
"I can't even find one boyfriend. She can actually find 20 boyfriends at the same time and even get them to buy her an iPhone 7," one user wrote.
Just want her to teach me some skills.
Others accused her of being 'shameless', or questioned whether the story was real or in fact a marketing ploy for Hui Shou Bao.
BBC Trending reports that a company spokesperson confirmed they had purchased 20 iPhones from a female client at the beginning of October, paying £700 for each one.
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