
This is how much damage cheap shampoo can do to your hair


Whether it’s a fiver spent in Boots on a ‘Ruby Red’ shade or shelling out triple figures for a wash-and-dye at the salon, colouring one’s hair is a pricey and time-consuming process.

The after care for freshly coloured hair often comes with strict instructions: It is recommended that after chemically treating your hair, to use moisture-rich conditioners as well as certain types of shampoos designed to be gentle and aimed at preserving the colour.

However, buying cheap shampoo could be more damaging to that that bright colour that you might have previously thought.

Beauty salon owner Rachel Trach uploaded a video to her Facebook account of an experiment she performed with a ‘salon’ shampoo and a cheaper ‘drugstore’ version.

Trach filled two glasses of water with two different shampoos: Unite, which retails at £19.95 and Tresemmé, which can be bought for £5.24.

After putting in what appears to be two strands of coloured hair in the two glasses, startlingly, the lock in the Tresemmé glass is stripped of much of the dye. The water in the Unite glass remains clear.

The video has been viewed over five million times and shared almost 50,000 times.

A caveat or two:

It is unclear what type of shampoos they are and whether or not they've been specifically created for coloured hair.

indy100 contacted Tresemmé for comment.

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