Could this be your next home?
The housing market has been going through a particularly tricky period thanks to the Covid pandemic but there are still some bargains to be found.
Sure, it might be nigh-on impossible to find an affordable two-bed flat, but if you set your sights higher you might be surprised what you can find.
Ever thought of buying a castle? Probably not. But in Elmira, New York, there’s currently one for sale.
With 41 rooms and stained glass panelling, you’d be forgiven for assuming this is something out of a Disney movie, not real life.
But the property is very much on the market and, what’s more, it’s going for the pretty fairytale price of $99,000 (£71,985).
The house is replete with original 19th Century featuresShane Searfoss/Signature Properties
The Gothic mansard-style mansion includes multiple fireplaces and an open curved staircase, according to estate agent Shane Searfoss of Signature Properties.
The 10-bed, four-bathroom property sits on a half-acre of land and comes with its own “massive barn,” the listing states.
As if 41 rooms weren’t enough, it comes with a big annex, tooShane Searfoss/Signature Properties
Potential buyers might also be interested to know that it’s near a host of schools. (Because, let’s face it, with 41 rooms, this isn’t exactly a bachelor pad.)
According to a special calculator on the site, it would cost the buyer just $465 (£338) per month in mortgage repayments – the cost of a… shed? In NYC.
You’d get stained glass and sweeping stairways for less than $500 a monthShane Searfoss/Signature Properties
Of course, there is a catch to all this: the castle is currently inhabitable.
Look around and you’ll see paint peeling from the walls and damaged flooring, while some rooms have been totally gutted.
That means, whoever takes it on will have 8,284-square-feet to renovate (including the barn which is also not currently usable).
It’s definitely a fixer-upperShane Searfoss/Signature Properties
Still, some repairs are already underway at the home. For example, a new electric system has been installed as well as two high efficiency boilers, and a new rubber roof.
And when you see some of its distinctive details from when it was built in the late 1800s, you might decide it’s all worth the effort.
The home still contains lots of original featuresShane Searfoss/Signature Properties
That said, according to Business Insider, a contingent offer had been placed by Wednesday, so you might need to get your skates on.
However, Signature Properties is continuing to show it to prospective buyers, so there’s still time to book a viewing and imagine yourself as the king or queen of your own castle...