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Indy100 Staff
Jun 27, 2017

The Conservative government's deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland was revealed on Monday.
The deal saw the DUP vow to support the Conservatives in key parliamentary votes, in exchange for a "triple lock" on the state pension, the withdrawal of some Conservative manifesto pledges, and an extra £1 billion of funding for Northern Ireland, on top of the extra £500 million they usually receive.
Obviously, cartoonists have seen it as ample material for a sketch or two:
1. Ingram Pinn, Financial Times
2. Matt, Daily Telegraph
3. Ian Knox, The Irish News
4. Martin Rowson, Guardian
5. Dave Brown, The Independent
6. Morten Morland, The Times
7. Peter Brookes, The Times
8. Matt, Daily Telegraph
9. Chris Riddell, The Observer
10. Steve Bright, The Sun
11. Dave Brown, The Independent
More: If the Tories had given every non-Tory voter £50, it would've cost £70m less than the DUP deal