
Hilarious moment New Zealand minister’s TV interview is interrupted by son waving phallic carrot

Working from home has caused chaos for many but no more so than politicians attempting to convey a sense of dignity while propping their laptops up on shelves and asking their family members to be quiet while they work.

And now Carmel Sepuloni, the minister for social development in New Zealand, has fallen victim to the new occupational hazards of the home/workplace hybrid while doing a live Zoom interview with Radio Samoa.

Talking about social services, any semblance of professionality was shattered when her grinning son burst through the door behind her, holding a phallic-looking carrot and tried to get it in shot of the camera. Sepuloni chastised him and tried to grab the carrot from him, while the presenter laughed in the background. Good stuff.

Sharing the incident online, Sepuloni said: “Yes, we were almost wrestling over a carrot on camera, and yes, I’m laughing about it now but wasn’t at the time!”

Sepuloni is not the only person to have been rudely interrupted during a video interview. We all remember that BBC interview with Prof Robert Kelly, when his children wandered in shot as he was talking about South Korean politics.

Then there was Yvette Amos, who appeared on the Beeb to talk about unemployment during the pandemic, but distracted viewers with what was in the background on her shelves:

Similarly, William Amos, a Canadian politician was spotted naked in a work call as he attempted to surreptitiously get changed out of his gym kit and into his work clothes - taking multitasking to new levels. Weeks later, he urinated on camera ‘accidentally’.

So, it happens to the best of us. And taking it on the chin, Sepuloni added:

“A big up’s to all our parents working from home and parenting at the same time — I see you! *Note to self: I will never buy the odd shaped carrot pack again .”

That’s probably for the best.

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