
Every time you worry about your career, look at Ed Miliband being used as a stock photo on news items on flu

That's another blow for Labour.

Ed Miliband has had a bit of a rough few years bless him. The election didn't go his way and there were a fair number of unflattering photos in the media during the entire ordeal.

There was bacon sandwich Ed:

And Ed stone, to name but two:

Now, it's the end of another year, things are wrapping up for the holidays and surely, surely Ed can just have some peace and quiet right?


It would appear that NBC Nightly News, while running a piece on the flu risk over the winter period, ran a picture of the former Labour leader blowing his nose.

The piece quickly cut to the main video on nasal sprays and vaccines, but eagle-eyed viewers were quick to pick up on Ed's brief appearance.

We're not sure whether the image was used in jest or if it was a genuine mistake, but one thing is certain... People are enjoying it on Twitter.

There will certainly be more where these came from.

Maybe this could lead to a whole host of Ed Miliband 'stock shots'?

Running into someone you don't like on your commute?

Newly anointed heartthrob Ed Miliband arriving at the set of The Andrew Marr Show in LondonPicture: Ben Cawthra/REX

Forgetting you left your charger at home after getting to work.

Picture: Getty

Playing a tiny percussion instrument? It's specific but you never know when you might use it.

Picture: Getty 

indy100 has contacted NBC to ask about the use of the image. We'll let you know if we get any answers.

Bless you Ed, and gesundheit.

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