We’ve all been there, sent an email or text to the wrong person. Usually it is a fairly innocent offence, but for one councillor in Ontario, Canada, it could cost him his job.
St Catherines Regional Councillor, Andy Petrowski, has received calls for his resignation after he sent out a pornographic image in a mass email on Monday afternoon.
Petrowski made the lewd blunder in response to an email sent out by the Niagara Region, updating the progress of a bridge being built in the local area.
One councillor, Bruce Timms, responded to the email commenting that it was nice to see the final touches being completed on the bridge.
In response to Timms, Petrowski reportedly wrote:
There must have been a sale on these multi-million dollar, taxpayer-funded, non-functional arches... guess who put these up in Ottawa? You're right if you said .... drum roll, please....'Pomerlau'...what a joke!
He also allegedly attached an image of a woman sitting on a chair completely nude with her legs apart.
What Petrowski didn't realise was that the email went out to Timms alongside the other 95 recipients in the message.
A Newstalk 1010 reporter who received the email took a screen shot of its contents and posted it on Twitter.
Petrowski sent out an apology shortly afterwards, which read:
I apologize to everyone for the previous e-mail just sent...this was sent in error as a terrible message by someone who was using my iPad I thought to send a private message. I am very sorry for this unacceptable and inappropriate transmission.
Among the other recipients of the email was CKTB News, who reached out to Petrowski for an explanation.
They received this response:
I sent this e-mail as soon as I became aware of the terrible message sent, apologizing for the unacceptable content. I take full responsibility for the lack of judgement in leaving my Regional e-mail system unlocked.
Niagara Regional Chair Alan Caslin has asked for Councillor Petrowski to resign over the incident.
Petrowski is reportedly attending a meeting to discuss his actions today.
More: What it's like to have your nude selfies circulated online