Louis Staples
Dec 04, 2018

Another day, another problematic intervention from Caitlyn Jenner.
Following heart breaking and dangerous wildfires across areas of California, including Malibu, a wealthy area populated by the rich and famous, many celebrities have been sharing how the fires have affected them.
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth lost their home, as did Gerard Butler.
Caitlyn Jenner lives in Malibu, though thankfully her home was spared from the flames. In the aftermath she posted this photo, which some people perceived as insensitive. The caption read:
So thankful I have a house to clean up after the devastating fires
Jenner soon returned to Instagram to remind her followers for the second time that she still has a house.
This is the reason we live in Malibu. So lucky our home made it. We are praying for everyone's quick recovery #blessed
This time at least she seemed to remember people did lose their homes. But it still seems an odd way to present your thoughts and prayers.
Needless to say, just like many things with Jenner, people weren't’t happy about it.
But some fans sent her support andhighlighted that she was merely acknowledging her blessings.
Though it must be said that given the amount of transphobic abuse Jenner faces on a daily basis, even on Instagram, it’s not surprising she wants a safe sanctuary to call her own.
H/T: Someecards

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