
British army’s campaign to attract ‘snowflake millennials’ is going very badly

The British army has been struggling to attract new recruits in recent years.

In October, reports showed they were more than 5,000 short of their target of 82,500 full-trained troops.

But if early responses are anything to go by, their latest adverts are unlikely to help.

The army’s new campaign targets 16-to-25-year-old “snowflake millennials” who feel they need a “bigger sense of purpose”, according to British army officer Paul Nanson.

The series of posters, TV adverts and radio spots were designed to show the army looks beyond stereotypes and sees “snowflake” compassion and “phone zombie” focus as strengths.

However, some people were quick to point out that young people generally don’t like being called by the insults older people use to mock them.

Others were also unconvinced the ads would get young people to risk their lives in wars.

It doesn’t help that the army doesn’t seem to know what age millennials actually are.

It’s all a bit of a disaster.

When will baby boomers learn: millennials don’t want to join the army, they just want affordable housing and vegan sausage rolls.

More: There's something very wrong with this picture of a panel discussing gender balance in the army

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