Narjas Zatat
Aug 21, 2018

A Scottish chip shop has been dubbed the unhealthiest place in the UK after a box meal they serve went viral for its contents.
The bucket contains chips, fish, two pizza bits, two sausages, two hamburgers, onion rings, chicken nuggets and fritters. Everything is battered.
It goes for £10 and is served with a giant Irn-Bru – the country’s unofficial national drink.
The ‘Crunchy Box’ contains 6,792 calories.
That’s almost three times the average recommended daily amount of 2,500 calories for men and 2,000 calories for women.
Writer Ross McCafferty said that shared a picture of the monstrous meal on Twitter:
Needless to say, some people are disgusted.
Others have fallen in love with it.
Bahadur Singh, the manager of the Greenock shop, told the Mirror:
I just thought it would be nice to combine the ideas and bring something which would appeal to everyone.
We put the deal on and people seem to love it. Everything is cooked in fat but the dish is big enough for three or four people to share.
It's definitely for the family to eat. People think it's a great deal.
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