The NHS is creaking, Donald Trump is the new president of the United States, and the country is facing a complicated and elongated extraction from the European Union.
Brexit means Brexit, and it's a wonder why the British people are most concerned about immigration.
Britain sits about on the world average for optimism or pessimism about the state of the country, as a recent survey of 25 countries by the pollster Ipsos-MORI found that 40 per cent of people in Britain thought that the country was on the right track, compared to 60 per cent who said it was on the wrong track.
However, what singles us out as a country is our fixation with immigration.
In the global survey, the UK alone ranked immigration as the top national concern, as the below chart by Statista shows:
Many other countries around the world cited unemployment, terrorism, or economic reasons for dissatisfaction with the performance of the country.
Another recent, separate survey by YouGov found that immigration was the most important issue in four countries, one of which was Britain.
Denmark, Germany and Sweden joined Britain in border concerns.
The same survey found more people were dissatisfied with democracy in the country, by 48 per cent to 40 per cent satisfied.
Annual immigration to Britain hit record levels in the run up to the EU referendum, new official figures showed this week.
Studies have shown that European immigrants to the UK pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits, and aid the economy in general.
More: This map will change the way you think about immigration in Europe