Evan Bartlett
Mar 31, 2015
Britain First supporters claim to have exacted revenge on the campaign group who staged a protest at a pub where Nigel Farage was having lunch with his family.
Fronted by leader Paul Golding, the group of far right extremists stormed a building in the Old Street area of London where supporters of the Beyond Ukip group were holding a meeting.
After barging his way in with a team of heavies, some of whom shouted in people's faces and called them "scum", Golding claimed the group were "bullies" and said Britain First were there to "give them a taste of their own medicine".
This is a warning to the left-wing of politics in this country: no longer will we take you harassing and confronting families and children.
- Paul Golding
In a video uploaded to YouTube, Golding can then be seen confronting one of the group, repeatedly pointing in his face while appearing to say: "People like you are just left-wing c*s."
A spokesperson from the Metropolitan Police confirmed to that a 48-year-old man was arrested. "He was from the group who attempted to disrupt the meeting [and] was arrested on suspicion of assault and has been taken to an east London police station for questioning," they added. There were no reported injuries.
The incident involving Farage and his family took place at a pub in Bromley, south-east London, on Sunday 22 March.
Dan Glass, a member of the Beyond Ukip group who organised the protest at the pub, said it was a "joyful and light-hearted cabaret of diversity", but Farage branded the group "scum".
Nevertheless, the intervention from Britain First is unlikely to be welcomed by Ukip just weeks before the election.
Britain First's vocal support for Ukip - in which it has distributed leaflets boasting “Ukip at the ballot box, Britain First on the streets - a winning combination" - has been a source of embarrassment for the anti-EU party.
But a Ukip spokesman told the Independent last week it was not embarrassing but farcical that Britain First was supporting them. “We’re just not where they think we are,” he said. “On the fringes of our politics are nutters and we don’t want them anywhere near us.”
More: Britain First is endorsing Ukip again
More: The Britain First story is getting worse and worse for Ukip
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