
These Leave Voters who live in Spain have just realised that the end to free movement also applies to them

While it might be sunny in Spain, things are not looking so great over in the UK, especially considering the fast-approaching Brexit deadline.

But it seems like a group of Leave Voters, who have settled down in the southern European country, are only just starting to realise this, as the uncertainty over a no-deal Brexit is growing.

In a Channel 4 News segment, British pensioners in Costa Blanca, Spain express their regret of voting against free movement, with one Leave Voter who just bought a holiday home in the region claiming:

I know I might be selfish but I think on reflection now, if there was another referendum, I’d probably vote to remain

The coastline of the Alicante region in Spain is known to have some of the biggest concentrations of Britons anywhere, with giant retirement villages proving popular with pensioners. Another attraction is the foreigners' entitlement to free healthcare in Spain, paid for by the UK and EU-wide reciprocal arrangements.

But a few days ago the UK government announced that in the event of a no-deal, that privilege would stop and that was the moment for many when they realised that Brexit just got very real.

But while some fear for the future, others believe nothing will change, with one woman saying:

I don’t think the Spanish will turn us away because they’re quite a big thing for their economy

Naturally, these comments made people furious, with some ranting about their fellow countrymen's privilege on Twitter.

It seems like things are not as sunny in Spain as they once were.

More: Leave voter breaks down on live radio and apologises for backing Brexit

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