
Brexit voter ignores facts and tells LBC host James O'Brien 'I don't know what I'm talking about'

Whatever side you take on the Brexit divide, it's very possible that fatigue on the subject has left you completely befuddled.

At this point does anyone, even the politicians and the EU, really know what they are talking about?

The answer is probably 'yes' but as the deadline draws closer and exasperation sets in, it's becoming harder and harder to really explain what Brexit will be like.

This was echoed in the controversial comments that Donald Tusk made earlier this week, which was a discussion on James O'Brien's LBC Radio show on Thursday.

The presenter, well known for his scathing takedowns of Brexit, wanted to know what sort of deal that Brexiteers thought they were voting for back in 2016.

One person who wanted to say something on this matter was Mick from Cambridge, who admitted to O'Brien that "he didn't vote for anyone's plan because there wasn't a plan on the table."

He added:

I feel betrayed by the government for making such a mess of it and by the EU for being so inflexible.

O'Brien then points out that the EU had been flexible but Mick still wasn't satisfied and continued:

I would have liked them to be realistic and take a proper approach to the Northern Ireland process instead of using it as a guillotine saying 'you've gotta do this.'

O'Brien then interrupts him to play a clip of Theresa May explaining the many problems faced by the Northern Ireland process.

Mick then responds by saying that he doesn't believe a word that May says so conceding defeat, O'Brien asks him what other issues that he would have liked to have seen the EU be more flexible on.

He then references a story about the British government no imposing restrictions on anyone coming from Europe, which O'Brien has to quickly put an end to because it wasn't true and came back with this:

The European Union offered full reciprocation of these rights but you'll remember Liam Fox said 'we can't do that because that's one of our strongest cards' and he was secretary of state for international trade at the time.

You've said something else that's wrong, Mick and for your aide and help, that would have been a plan. You said that you didn't vote for a plan but that would have been a plan and that was a plan that the European Union offered to us, the people that you think have been intransigent and refused to meet us half-way but it got thrown back in their face because Liam Fox felt that the future of European Union citizens in the country was, and I quote, 'one of our strongest cards.

The conversation begins to get quite heated after Mick admits that he was confused by the facts that O'Brien has stated, which is were everything quickly begins to unravel.

When responding to the inaccuracies that were pointed out to him, he said:

You blame the media then. Don't blame me for what the media tells me. I'm blaming you for turning around and having a pop at us.

It's not our job to keep our finger on the pulse. That's your job. So don't turn around and say to me I don't know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about. With the limited facts I have, I do know what I'm talking about.

O'Brien, obviously puzzled by this comeback, ask Mick why he is so angry at him for pointing out the facts.

To be honest, I think you are a remaining bully.

Can I just ask you one question and do me a favour and actually look it up?

Look up on Wikipedia the definition of 'God complex'. Just have a look at that and think 'I wonder who that relates to?'

O'Brien comes back, asking 'is it people that think they are God?' Mick then elaborates.

People that are so intransigent that they won't look at anyone else's views.

O'Brien finds this very amusing and points out something very obvious.

Mick, I've just listened to your views for six minutes, I've explained to you why they are wrong and you said 'I can't believe I've been so badly misled by people that aren't this good at this job as you are, James.'

No wonder, I've got a God complex, Mick.


More: This BBC interview between a Remain and Leave voter perfectly sums up Brexit

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