Greg Evans
Jan 22, 2019
Theresa May must be a fan of the 1993 Bill Murray comedy Groundhog Day as she appears to be a big fan of repeating things over and over again.
On Monday, the PM presented her highly anticipated Brexit 'plan B' for leaving the European Union after her original deal was overwhelmingly rejected by the Commons last week.
However, much like The Strokes' second album, it sounded exactly like the first, as she again vowed to seek further changes to the controversial Irish backstop, despite the EU declaring that it was non-negotiable.
Once again, the only way to fittingly sum up the utter failure and joke that is Brexit is through Twitter's neverending ability to make memes out of a situation.
So, without further ado here are 16 memes about Theresa May's 'plan B'.
Maybe a distraction like a fake moustache would work?
Pop culture references were rife.
Just what was going on in her head when she proposed this?
Even newspapers were mocking her.
HT The Poke
More: John Major offered Theresa May a way out of the 'Brexit chaos' and people agree with him

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