
The UK has a short Brexit extension, here's how Leave and Remain reacted

After many hours spent in talks, 27 European presidents and prime ministers granted Britain an unconditional extension to the Article 50 period until 12 April, and a further extension until the 22 May if MPs approved Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement next week.

It’s not exactly clear what May wanted, having gone into talks in Brussels with hopes that the extension period will be pushed until the 30 June, but it is a concession.

EU president Guy Verhofstadt tweeted about the decision, writing that it will:

Give the UK Parliament time to deliver a constructive cross-party majority for a positive future relationship.

There have been mixed responses to this extension from both sides of the political spectrum, and whether May’s withdrawal agreement will be voted down yet again is a question on many people’s minds.

The Leave.EU campaign isn’t supportive of the extension

It tweeted:

As expected, European leaders have concocted yet another stitch-up in Brussels, once again kicking the can further down the road. Our pathetically weak, submissive "leader" has graciously accepted.

The battle is far from over. Help us save Brexit.

Famous Brexiteer Nigel Farage condemned May’s decision to seek an extension and the subsequent EU response

MP for Tottenham David Lammy called Theresa May's conduct in Brussels 'tragic' and challenged claims made by Farage that a 'clear majority' support a No-Deal Brexit

Labour party hardline Brexiteer MP Kate Hoey reiterated that she will 'NOT vote to Revoke Article 50'

Tory MP Sam Gyimah, who resigned over May's Brexit deal back in November, is unimpressed

On the other hand, Independent Group MP Chris Leslie is calling for a People's Vote

Labour politician and policy researcher Will Straw has called May ‘incompetent’ and told his followers #RevokeArticle50 is the fastest growing House of Commons petition ever

Lib Dem MP Layla Moran is urging for Parliament to take the decision 'out of the PM's hands'

Campaigning group Our Future, Our Choice, who are pushing for a People’s Vote on Brexit don’t have confidence in May’s ability to get the withdrawal agreement in

Other leaders reacted, too.

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, whose country voted to Remain in the EU, praised the decision and is urging for another vote on Brexit.

Political commentators also gave their pennyworth.

And people on both sides are getting sick of Brexit

More: Nigel Farage held a poll on Brexit and it backfired badly

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