
Question Time: 16-year-old audience member perfectly sums up why the Tories are to blame for Brexit

With all the political humdrum that comes out of Westminster, it is hard to separate the noise from the actual stone cold facts on Brexit and to get a measure on how the country is feeling.

That's why Question Time, although not the easiest or most enjoyable show to watch, is still an important British institution, for giving the public a voice on a major platform.

This week the programme was broadcast from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and it wasn't a career politician, commentator or a hard-line Brexiteer in the audience that stole the show.

It was actually a 16-year-old girl, who summed up the entire Brexit farce better than anyone to date, which is quite remarkable considering she wasn't even old enough to vote in the EU referendum.

Speaking to the panel, which contained both Tory and Labour MPs, she explained why she believes that the Tories are to blame for the chaos and why a general election is the only way to solve it:

I'd like to say that I think you are all right and this goes back much further than this week. It goes back much further than any of you have said. 

It goes back to when the plans for the referendum were first announced. It goes back further to David Cameron trying to negotiate in the EU. 

David Cameron made the referendum policy because he didn't want to risk losing 10 or 15 seats to UKIP and look where it has got us.

This has always been because of the Tory party playing party politics with issues that are going to be huge generational changes for all of us. 

I'm 16-years-old. I didn't get a say in Brexit and I won't get a say in it because there is not going to be a second referendum as things stand.

Either way, I think we have to accept that this is not an issue of parties not coming together. This is not an issue of direct democracy, of a people's vote being able to solve what it failed to do in the first place.

What we all need to look at is the fact that this is all caused by a party putting itself first before the country it is trying to govern.

What we need to do is not look back to a people's vote but we need to look at a further extension and we need to solve this where it all should have started, where it all could have been avoided in the first place, by going back to a general election and representative democracy because that's what this country was built on.

Her speech has since been shared by Question Time on Twitter and has already been viewed more than 500,000 times and many people are applauding what she had to say.

The girl has since identified herself as Amelia, a Young Labour member who has only just joined Twitter and already has over 1000 followers.

HT iNews

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