Broadcaster, journalist and professional Twitter antagonist Piers Morgan is never shy of opinions but his latest rant has to be one of his most illogical.
With parliament stuck in a Brexit deadlock, the options that remain to the UK are dwindling by the day, but a second referendum on the issue still lingers in the background.
After all, it was only last week that 'one million' people marched in London to demand a second vote on leaving the European Union and if there is one, Morgan has already declared what he will vote.
You might be surprised to learn that Morgan voted to Remain in 2016 but his growing contempt for MPs who he thinks are defying democracy has now turned him into a Leaver.
This isn't entirely ridiculous and he's probably not alone in sharing this view but it's a hell of hill to die on, especially with the chaos that Brexit has caused over the past two years.
Needless to say, his bizarre claim has been met with a torrent of backlash by people who are completely baffled by this arrogant boast.
Unfortunately for us, Morgan wasn't done there and continued to moan about a potential second referendum.
He seems to have fallen so far down the rabbit hole that he has now become a no-deal Brexiteer.
To be honest we like Alistair Campbell's retort which even Morgan found amusing.
More: Piers Morgan reaches new low with tweet about 'racist toxic feminism'