
The Brexit Party doesn't have a manifesto so activists are giving them one by using their candidates old quotes

Led By Donkeys, the nationwide poster campaign which used quotes from Brexiteers and politicians against them, have returned and now have the Brexit Party in their sights.

With the EU elections set to take place next week, Nigel Farage's Brexit Party look to have opened a significant lead in polls, which would see them sweep the board on May 23.

However, the party is campaigning on just one point (clue: it's in their name), are yet to release a full manifesto, which Farage has said won't even be released until after the elections have taken place.

With that in mind Led By Donkeys have taken it upon themselves to give the Brexit Party a manifesto by plastering some of their representatives quotes about the NHS, maternity pay and the LGBT+ community on posters across the country.

The first poster which has popped up on the Radford Road in Coventry, features a quote from Farage on the NHS, where he advocates for a more insurance-based health care system, similar to what they have in the United States.

The next poster which can be found on Abbey Road, Neath, Port Talbot, featured a quote from South East candidate James Bartholomew who claimed that the NHS is the "cause of great suffering."

Next, it's Nigel Farage again, who doesn't appear to be a big fan of new mum's being paid whilst they are off work and caring for their new child. The poster can be found on Eastbourne Road, Taunton, Somerset.

Finally, we have former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe whose homophobic comment can be found on Purewell Cross Road, Christchurch, Dorset.

Reaction to the group's latest campaign has been one of overwhelming support and encouragement.

However, the poster featuring the quote from Ann Widdecombe has been strongly condemned by the LGBT+ community who feel that the style of the poster appears to endorse the statement.

Due to the criticism of the Widdecombe poster, Led By Donkeys have confirmed that both the poster and tweet will be removed.

HT Huffington Post

More: Nigel Farage was asked what 'Brexit can offer Wales' and his answer said it all​

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