
Man asks why people describe no-deal Brexit as a 'risk' and not an 'opportunity'. The internet responds accordingly

It’s been a while since Theresa May first said the now-infamous phrase “Brexit means Brexit”.

But three years on from the UK voting to leave the European Union, people are still uncertain about what Brexit means and if it’ll happen.

Disturbingly, no-deal Brexit – meaning that the UK would leave the EU without a deal and be forced to trade on World Trade Organisation terms, without trade deals with some of our closest trading allies – seems to have become the default position of the British government. This is despite the fact that no-deal preparations are costing billions (by the government’s own estimates), not to mention the costs being shouldered by businesses.

Supermarkets and health bosses have also warned of medication and food shortages. Oh, and then there’s the economic warnings, with the pound being the worst performing currency in the worldfollowing Boris Johnson’s leadership victory.

Get the picture?

Well, it seems like these points are still lost on some people.

Political journalist Christopher hope tweeted to say a friend had texted him asking why the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, describes no-deal Brexit as a “risk” and not an “opportunity”.

Seeing as no-deal is considered as a last resort if a negotiations fail, even by the most conservative of pundits and politicians (at least publicly) people went to town on this tweet.

Some of the replies were hilarious, but bleak.

More: 2011 clip of Boris Johnson saying that the UK will remain part of the single market goes viral

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