In case you didn't tune into the news last night the current situation with Brexit is a bit like the end shot of Empire Strikes Back when Luke, Leia and the droids look out at the galaxy and realise that things aren't going too well, only with fewer stars and space stuff.
Picture: Lucasfilm/ Disney
Anyway, away from Star Wars analogies British people are pretty concerned that their country is up the proverbial creek without a paddle after Theresa May saw her already hated deal was battered by the Commons in a humiliating defeat for the prime minister.
Several scenarios are likely to come next, which could see the country vote in a general election or second referendum or article 50 be extended, allowing the government to negotiate another deal.
The latter of those has seemingly already been scuppered with the EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier questioning why the EU would grant an extension as 'negotiations are over.'
With everything up in the air and unlikely to come down for a very long time, Brits on Twitter have taken to creating memes to sum up the situation and this gallows humour is oddly comforting.
Firstly, comes the usual dragging of Theresa May, which is almost reaching levels of boredom that encroach upon cruelty (only slightly).
Then there are those Brexiteers who keep voting against Brexit, which makes as much sense as 'The Force' being made out of 'midichlorians' (ok we'll stop with the Star Wars references now).
We could get a Brextension?
How do some of these people still have jobs?
Maybe a giant rock from space will come a destroy us?
If it's of any reassurance the current state of Westminster resembles the Fyre Festival, which actually sounds a lot more preferable right now.
Oh...and now MPs have to vote for or against a no-deal.
It's all going great guys. Really, really great...
More: This BBC interview between a Remain and Leave voter perfectly sums up Brexit