The generation gap between Remain voters and Leave voters is quite apparent.
It may have been enough to swing the result towards the latter.
More than half of over 50s voted for Brexit, and similarly more than half of under 50s voted to remain.
Turnout amongst the young voters was (as usual) much lower than older voters.
Although turnout among 18-24 year olds was almost twice as high as usual (64 per cent), a study by Opinium found that they were outdone by the 90 per cent of over 65s who voted.
Much has been made of the fact that the generation which will live with the consequences of the decision to leave the European Union didn't actually vote for it.
The soon to be no-longer-with-us determined the result (though maybe if more of the currently-with-us had turned up, this wouldn't have been a problem).
On Wednesday, the House of Commons resolved to stick to the government's timetable for triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Regardless of the outcome of the appeal being heard in the Supreme Court, Article 50 will be triggered by 31 March 2017, whether that be by the government or by Parliament.
As such, ways of trying to nullify the result, or find evidence of 'Bre-gret' are becoming rather creative.
Psephologist and writer Mike Smithson shared some arithmetic by architect Steve Lawrence, which asserts that more Leave voters have passed away since the June referendum than Remain voters.
The amount, combined with other factors, skews the current level of support for each side, putting Remain ahead.
The calculations show that the number of deceased Leave voters has not been replaced by new members of the franchise (citizens who have turned 18 since June).
In addition this, Lawrence included the million Brits living overseas who were excluded from the referendum vote but who are now legally included as voters.
Lawrence later shared a link to this data from Eurostat, which he said was his source for birth and death rate figures, and this British Election study on switchers.
The British Election Study found that 6 per cent of Leave voters regretted their vote, compared to 1 per cent of Remain voters.
While one might argue that it's harder to regret a decision that isn't being carried out, the study found that only 3 per cent of Conservatives reported a similar 'Winner's regret' after the 2015 General Election.
The net result lowered Leave's support to 47.92 per cent of the vote, and raised Remain's to 52.09 per cent.
This sort of conjecture relies on a lot of variables, but it does highlight the problem of one generation binding another to a decision with which the older generation will not have to suffer the consequences.
To say nothing of the revelation in October by Dr Kingsley Purdham that it's likely up to 3,000 dead people could be voting in UK General Elections.
The dead hand of the past is upon us all!
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