The Leave Means Leave group have recently launched several new campaigns which, how shall we say this, been greeted with a mixed response.
Just last week their Ladies For Leave campaign was ridiculed for using gender as a means for supporting Brexit, despite women overwhelmingly voting to stay in the EU.
Now they are back with a new video aimed at young people and are aiming to highlight the many benefits for young people outside of the EU, despite 71 per cent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 voting for Remain in the 2016 referendum.
So, who has the group found to represent the 29 per cent of young leave voters, many of whom have probably changed their mind by now?
Why it's none other than Tim Martin, the 63-year-old owner of Wetherspoon's, a man so keen on Brexit that he even had a biased magazine about it to distribute in his pubs.
In the video, Martin says:
Join the new movement for young people around the UK which supports a positive global Britain where we can leave the inward-looking EU behind for a new, international future.
Also featured in the video is the 29-year-old Tory MP for Mansfield Ben Bradley and 30-year-old Made In Chelsea star Francis Boulle, a diamond heir with a net worth of £10 million.
This means the three prominent speakers, all white men, have a combined age of 122, which is hardly what we would call 'young.'
Needless to say, the video itself and Martin's inclusion has been mercilessly mocked on social media.
More: This argument between Will Self and Brexiteer MP Mark Francois has to be seen to be believed