Lowenna Waters
Mar 28, 2019

iStock Getty / Britain Bites Back
A parody pro-Brexit Facebook page called 'Britain Bites Back' launched a second referendum poll and it came out exactly as you'd expect.
The page Britain Bites Back, which appears to be a parody page (it's fans appear to be a mix of both leave and remain supporters, some of whom don't appear to be in on the joke) decided to run a poll on Facebook, in response to the Revoke Article 50 poll, which has now been signed by nearly 6 million people.
Their aim, according to their page, was to prove how 'pointless' the petition is, by having a load of Leavers sign it.
In a bid to prove their point, they made a poll:
Let's prove how pointless that petition really is! If another referendum was held today, how would you vote?​
Picture: (Britain Bites Back / Facebook )
The page achieved a paltry 15 per cent in support of Leave, and 85 per cent in support of Remain.
As you can see in the comments, the moderators weren't too happy, with 'Tegan' in particular getting quite a lot of flack.
(Britain Bites Back / Facebook )
It didn't end there.
(Britain Bites Back / Facebook )
No matter.
Not ones to be disheartened by misfortune, they valiantly attempted to make their point. Again.
As our previous poll was hijacked we have deleted it and will ask for page members ONLY to respond thankyou. If there was another national vote which would you choose?
(Britain Bites Back / Facebook )
Oh well.
What can you do, hey?
(Britain Bites Back / Facebook )
Hillariously this isn't even the first time they've made the same point on their Facebook page.
Do you trust the current government to deliver a proper brexit?​
(Britain Bites Back / Facebook )
Oh Tegan, you've got your work cut out. If this whole thing is for real, of course....
HT The Poke
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