Iain Duncan Smith was left trying to explain himself after a Sky News reporter corrected his assertion that opinion polls show there is a majority in the UK for a no-deal Brexit.
Adam Boulton told the self-professed Brexiteer that opinion polls suggest there is no clear majority in the UK for a no-deal Brexit – in fact it’s just the opposite.
Duncan Smith responded: “Actually the last two polls shows over 50 per cent favoured leaving without a deal.”
Boulton quickly corrected him: “No, in the context of a choice –“ At this point he is interrupted by Duncan Smith, who says “Yes, but these are all about choice.”
The Sky News reporter continued: “If you put the three choices to people…In those contexts, actually Remain now comes up strongly.” Duncan Smith’s repeated denials got him an, “It does!”
Duncan-Smith changes tact, and said the British people want to see an “end to this.”
The only end you have is either the prime minister’s deal passes – and I voted for it last time – or they leave without a deal and constantly suspending that means you renege on the decision.
Boulton said that there was “a third option - as you well know…that is to revoke leaving.”
But IDS wasn’t having it. “[It’s not what the people voted for!” he exclaimed.