Dina Rickman
Jul 02, 2016

History is littered with examples of immense creativity sparked by adversity: think Pulitzer Prize winning author Richard Ford's success despite his dyslexia, Beethoven writing his finest symphony after going deaf, or Maroon 5 flourishing after being dropped from their record label.
Now enter Pounded by the Pound: Turned Gay By The Socioeconomic Implications Of Britain Leaving The European Union, a 4,200 word 37 page erotic e-book published on June 24 - the day after Britain voted Leave. Written by Chuck Tingle, who you may recognise from previous novels such as Schrodinger's Butt and Pounded in the Butt by my own Butt, it is to our knowledge the first and only erotic novel inspired by Brexit and available for only £2.08.
It promises "sizzling human on monetary unit action." We'll let its plot summary speak for itself:
When Alex learns that Britain has decided to leave the European Union, he’s shocked by just how normal everything seems. But the calm doesn’t last as Alex is suddenly accosted by a giant living coin from the not so distant future.
In this horrific future where Britain has left the EU, four story buses lie strewn about the streets of London after a failed plan to cut costs, the Queen’s Guard have been replaced by flying reptiles with machine guns and the River Thames runs red with molten lava.
Now Alex and his handsome sentient pound must travel back to the past and sway the vote for European solidarity, by proving that all you need is love.
HT Guardian
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