Last night the House of Commons had the chance to offer the British people a clear and more resolute path on the road to Brexit.
Yet, surprise, surprise they did the complete opposite and voted against absolutely every single one of the amendments, with only the second referendum coming close to passing.
This was after Theresa May had vowed to step down as prime minister if her maligned Brexit deal, which has already been heavily defeated in the Commons twice, was passed.
It was hoped that parliament was finally starting to make strides forward on Brexit and either find a solution or cancel the whole thing altogether.
So, with Westminster still locked in a perpetual state of chaos, the question still remains as to what will happen next. Here are several possibilities:
Indicative votes return
Although Wednesday night's votes failed to provide any concrete way forward, more time has reportedly been set aside on Monday to debate and vote on the amendments.
Sir Oliver Letwin, the Tory MP who has orchestrated the Commons taking control of Brexit said:
If on Monday the House is able to reach a majority view, I think that would be in the interests of our constituents.
This all sounds fair enough but you'll notice that the date on Monday is April Fools Day...You honestly couldn't make this stuff up.
Theresa May's deal could return to the table

There is still a slim chance that Theresa May's deal could be voted on again for the third time after Eurosceptics, like Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg announced that they would support it if the only alternative was 'no Brexit.'
However, there are still several groups who oppose this deal, including the DUP, whose leader, Arlene Foster has said that they could not back a deal that 'threatens the union.'
Jacob Rees-Mogg has also said that he would not back the PM's deal if it didn't have the support of the DUP.
Whether a vote on the deal takes place all depends on Commons speaker John Bercow who has continuously stressed that the MPs should only be voting on the deal for a third time if significant changes are introduced.
Brexit secretary Stephen Barclay has declared that plans are in place for the Commons to sit on March 29, despite no previous plans being in place. He said: "it's better to have it and to not need it, than to need it and not have it."
On Thursday afternoon Andrea Leadsom confirmed that if the speaker agrees then a motion relating to UK's exit from the EU will take place in the Commons on Friday.
Will Theresa May resign?
According to the PM, she will abdicate her position if her deal is passed. She is reported to have told MPs:
I know there is a desire for a new approach – and new leadership – in the second phase of the Brexit negotiations – and I won’t stand in the way of that.
This appears to be an attempt by May to win over the backbench rebels who won't support her deal but it remains to be seen whether that will catch on with the naysayers.
Rees-Mogg has already said that if her own deal did not get through "she would have every right to carry on" but a third defeat of her deal would leave her leadership credentials in tatters.
In a scenario where the deal is passed, parliament would have to rush through an implementation bill the would ensure a smooth departure from the EU on May 22 but it is not clear if May will see through until Brexit actually happens.
She does have the option of resigning but remaining in power until her successor is selected, which could take a while, to be honest.
When will Brexit happen?
Asking that question seems almost redundant now as it's impossible to know when this will actually happen but according to law the current date is April 12.
This is the final date that the UK can tell the EU what their next steps are. A failure to do so, would result in the UK crashing out without a deal.
However, should Theresa May's deal be approved by parliament the actual Brexit date will be May 22. And if they do decide to just cancel Brexit altogether, our leave date will hopefully remain as 'never'.
More: 11 things politicians have said about Brexit which look a little naive now