Louis Staples
Aug 28, 2019
Brexit means Brexit, apparently. But that hasn’t stopped the entire process from descending into chaos.
Reports released 28 August 2019 suggested that Boris Johnson's government outlined plans to have the Queen suspend parliament in order to push the no-deal Brexit through, and understandably a lot of people were extremely concerned about the whole situation.
The government aimed to prorogue parliament from September 9 to October 14, restricting MPs' capacity to block a no-deal Brexit. However, asked whether he was denying opposition MPs the time to stop Brexit, the prime minister said:
No, that is completely untrue.
We are bringing forward a new legislative programme on crime, hospitals, making sure we have the education funding we need.
This, perhaps, could count as another ridiculous quote on Brexit from a Brexiteer, however, below is a thread outlining a whole lot of other quotes from Brexiteers that now look rather silly.
MORE: Can Boris Johnson actually suspend parliament to force through no-deal Brexit?
We warn all Remain voters to sit down before reading, because, it’s pretty maddening. It’s fair to say that no blabbermouth Brexiteer has been spared.
Behold, the eighth wonder of the world in Twitter thread form:
More: Brexit: How everyone is reacting following the government resignations

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