Whichever side you picked in the EU referendum, most people can agree that Brexit has turned out to be a lot more complex than most people thought.
One of the most difficult things about Brexit is thateveryone has an opinion on it, but not everyone is an expert. Of course we can all have views, but sometimes it’s important to seek the opinion of those who’ve got specific expertise.
Though, in the run up to the referendum, pro-Brexit MP Michael Gove actually said people have “had enough of experts”.
Ultimately, the road to or from Brexit is complex. But that hasn’t stopped people from sounding off on social media like they know it all.
Today Brexiteer Darren Grimes – who was fined £20,000 for breaching electoral spending rules during the referendum campaign – is the latest person to put his foot in it.
Grimes, who is travelling in Europe, touted the Italy-Switzerland border as an example of how border issues, like the Northern Irish border, should not be causing difficulty.
But there's just one problem...
The Schengen Area is an area comprising 26 European states that have officially abolished passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders. The area mostly functions as a single jurisdiction for international travel purposes, with a common visa policy.
The area is named after the 1985 Schengen Agreement.
Of course, given that it takes about two clicks to find this information out, Grimes was ridiculed for his lack of basic knowledge.
People were also amused to see a Brexiteer apparently advocating for freedom of movement, which was one of the central themes of the referendum campaign.
Would you like some ice for that burn, Darren?