
Five male GOP senators held a press conference to defend Kavanaugh and everyone pointed out the obvious problem

On Thursday afternoon in Washington DC, five white men with greying hair took to stage to hold a press conference.

That doesn't sound too unplausible or scandalous, but these men weren't here to talk about legislation or policy.

They were all there to make individual statements about their support for Supreme Court Judge nominee Brett Kavanaugh and how the FBI investigation into his alleged sexual assault has become a "public circus-like atmosphere".

All five are Republican senators; Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Mike Lee, Thom Tillis, and John Cornyn. And they all said that the investigation has been unfair on the nominee which has been a "search and destroy mission".

They all took turns to lambaste the 'fake news' media, the Democrats, the FBI, and not once did they mention whether it is morally right to allow a man accused of sexual assault to hold one of the most powerful positions in America.

Here are a few examples of what they spoke about:

McConnell even said:

We did treat Dr. Ford the same way I would want my daughters or my wife or my mother treated under similar circumstances.

Does that include having the actual president mock them?

Besides the obvious uproar of what the men talked about, Twitter was quick to point the obvious problem of having five old white men stand on a stage and act quite aggressively in their defence of someone being investigated for such a serious crime.

Voting on Kavanaugh's full confirmation is due to start on Friday afternoon meaning he could be sworn in by Monday.

Meanwhile, as the aforementioned press conference went on, protestors took part in demonstrations which resulted in several arrests, including that of Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski.

HT Mashable

More: Sexual assault support hotline receives record number of calls day after Christine Blasey Ford testimony​

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