
Boris Johnson likes to relax by 'making model buses out of wine boxes' and everyone is confused

Boris Johnson has bizarrely admitted today that in his spare time he likes to relax by 'making models of London buses with passengers onboard enjoying themselves'.

During an interview with Ross Kempsell on TalkRADIO, the former mayor of London uttered this unusual hobby in a completely surreal moment. He said:

I, well, I like to... paint. Or I make things. I like to... I make, I have a thing where I make models of, when I was mayor of London we built a beautiful - I make buses.

I make models of buses. So what I do, no, I don't make models of buses, what I do is I get old - I don't know - wooden crates... Right? And then I paint them.

And they, they have - suppose it's a box that's been used to contain two wine bottles, right? And it will have a dividing thing.

And I turn it into a bus. And so I put passengers - you want to know this? ...No, I paint the passengers enjoying themselves. 

On the wonderful bus... low carbon, of a kind that we brought to the streets of London, reducing Co2, reducing nitrous oxide, reducing pollution.

Is this a normal thing that people do? It seems wholesome enough for a seven-year-old child to have done at primary school but not a 55-year-old man who wants to become prime minister.

After a series of gaffes that have damaged his reputation among the electorate further, this wouldn't seem like the best way to appear to be normal and everyone is completely perplexed at Johnson's unusual hobby.

We wonder what sort of slogans he paints on the side of his model buses?

More: Boris Johnson called out after falsely claiming he 'took London through riots' in 2011

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