Greg Evans
Nov 22, 2019

An English has called out Boris Johnson and challenged one of his Tory colleagues on Question Time about the prime minister's previous statements about Muslim women.
Although many people have been keen to talk about the man misunderstanding the large amount of money he earns, this clip was arguably more important.
Speaking to Tory minister Robert Jenrick, the woman cites a 2018 Telegraph article written by Boris Johnson about the Denmark's ban on the burqa, where he referred to Muslim woman as 'letterboxes' and 'bank robbers.'
Jenrick had just finished making comments about the allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour party, to which the woman replied with:
When you look at me what do you think? You think of a letterbox, because that's exactly what he said in an article.
He mentioned women like me who wear the burka alongside people who wear a balaclava if you asked me right now for legal reasons to see my face, by all means, I will take this off.
I'm an English teacher. Yeah, I'll give you an example right now I'll ask you in the audience, when you see me you see me as oppressed, you see me as somebody who probably doesn't speak English.
Another audience member shouted "I see you as a human being" to which the woman thanked them, saying "I respect you for that."
She then added:
I'm an English teacher I have a degree in English. I teach my pupils about politics, I teach my pupils about mutual respect, about tolerance, about all the brilliant fundamental British values, but how can I put my faith in the leader when that same leader likens me to a letterbox.
The teacher then touched on Johnson's proposed investigation into Islamophobia in the Tory party, which is yet to fully materialise.
Boris Johnson, when there was the leadership contest, he said what? 'Yes, I'll do that inquiry' Yet, again.
What's he doing? He's doing an inquiry into all forms of discrimination to take away the blame from himself because of the claims that he made against women like me and against many, many Muslims.
Johnson is yet to offer a full apology for the comments that he made in the article but has continued to cite his own great grandfather's faith as somehow being an excuse to justify what he had said.
HT inews
More: This is what top politicians have to say about Boris Johnson after his 'blatant Islamophobia'​
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