
Boris Johnson skipped a press conference because of boos and there are memes, lots of memes

Boris Johnson’s trip to Luxembourg isn’t going well so far.

The prime minister has cancelled a planned press conference after being booed and heckled with chants of “bog off Boris and “stop Brexit”. as this video posted to Twitter shows.

Following a meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker, Johnson ducked out of his press conference and left an empty podium, which sparked even more jokes about his visit. The picture shows Xavier Bettel conducting a press conference next to the space where Johnson was meant to stand, which looks... Mortifying.

Given the extreme awkwardness of Britain’s PM just… Leaving everyone hanging, there has been lots of reaction online.

Lots of people think Johnson hiding away because of a few boos is pretty cowardly. Particularly seeing as the Tories were, just last week, calling Jeremy Corbyn a “chicken” and Johnson was seen calling him a “big girl’s blouse”.

Given Johnson recently compared himself to the Incredible Hulk, which was rebuffed by actor Mark Ruffalo, who plays the comic book character on-screen, people pointed out that this wasn’t exactly “Hulk-like” behaviour.

Sure enough, #IncredibleSulk began to trend on Twitter.

More: This compilation of Boris Johnson being heckled by the public shows just how unpopular he is

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