
Boris Johnson refuses to reveal the naughtiest thing he's ever done in case it's 'terminally politically damaging'

Remember in the 2017 general election, when Theresa May said that the naughtiest thing that she had ever done was 'run through fields of wheat?'

Well, Boris Johnson has almost definitely done something worst than that but he can't tell us because it would be "terminally politically damaging."

This is exactly what the prime minister told Sophy Ridge of Sky News on Sunday morning when he was asked the very same question.

An exasperated Johnson said:

I would improvise an answer which I’ve not cleared with my handlers and I would bitterly regret it. I’m not going to extemporise some answer about the naughtiest thing I’ve ever done.

If I can think of some, some answer about the naughtiest thing I’ve ever done that this is both interesting and not terminally politically damaging, I will try and provide it for you next time indeed.

Ridge agreed to hold him to that promise but people have been quick to speculate just what the naughtiest thing might be.

HT Huffington Post

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