
Boris Johnson just hid in a fridge to escape Piers Morgan interview

In news that could only seem at home in Britain in 2019, Boris Johnson has hid in a fridge to avoid Piers Morgan.

Yes, really.

A video of the incident shows Johnson being ambushed by a Good Morning Britain reporter asking him to appear on their show. An aide of the prime minister’s can be seen appearing to mouth “for f***’s sake” as the incident took place in Yorkshire.

Johnson’s failure to give Good Morning Britain an interview has been a cause of tension between the PM and Piers Morgan. The show anchor reacted angrily when Johnson decided to give an interview to This Morning but snubbed his show, despite promising to give him an interview.

In the clip, reporter Johnathan Swain asks Johnson:

Deliver on your promise to talk to Piers and Susanna?

But even more bizarrely, when the camera crew follows the PM, he can be seen disappearing into a large fridge.

Yes, a fridge. A *fridge*.

Morgan reacted to the incident on Twitter, calling the move “cowardice”.

And so did many others.

Johnson’s failure to give interviews to specific journalists, including Andrew Neil, has been a running theme of the campaign.

His opponents have frequently accused him of hiding from scrutiny. It is reported that the Conservative Party are planning to complain about the ITV programme’s conduct.

HT The Mirror / Good Morning Britain

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