
The farmer who was angry about Brexit has now compared Boris Johnson to a bad car salesman

A few days ago you might recall the farmer from Bishop Auckland, County Durham who wasn't too impressed about Brexit and Boris Johnson.

The man, who is named John, absolutely tore into the prime minister, the handling of Brexit and the whole debacle which he likened to 'turkeys voting for Christmas.'

The viral clip saw John become an instant internet celebrity amongst folks who aren't too keen on leaving the EU or the Tories.

Now, as we've learnt over the years, most of these figures disappear after their 15 minutes of viral fame but we are happy to report that John is back and he is still furious with Boris Johnson.

A Twitter account that appears to have been set up by John has appeared in the last few days and already has more than 3000 followers.

For his first tweet, which was posted on Sunday, John dove into an extensive analogy about Brexit where he compared Johnson to a car salesman.

Here's the full transcript for you to enjoy in all of its glory.

As could only be expected with such prose John has found himself showered with Twitter praise all over again.

Bravo, John, bravo.

More: Brexit Party MEP says that remaining in the EU is better than Boris Johnson's withdrawal deal​

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