
People flood Amazon with fake reviews for boots that leave ‘swastikas’ in footprints


Sometimes, blindingly obvious mistakes pass manufacturers by. And in the case of Polar Fox men’s boots, the mistake is very unfortunate.

The boots themselves appear hardy and fairly weather proof, but they hide a nasty secret.

It's emerged that the footprint of the boot leaves, what appear to be, 'swastikas' on the ground.

It's the footprint of the boot that has lead to a torrent of 'customer reviews' on the product relating to the Holocaust and the Nazis.

One user wrote:

I've tried a lot of other boots, but I think these will be my final solution.

- Kevin Provost

While others added:

I bought these for camp. When I got there I found out they had piles of free shoes. Oh well.

- Patrick Phillips

They do great in chilly weather. Some people have said no, but the record has been corrected.

- Ryan

If you walk anymore than a mile, you'll start feeling gassy.

- Plamen


They handle amazingly in snow. Back in the day, these boots were made to handle snow, water, the corpses of Polish citizens. Really, they're made to handle anything! 

- Joshua Morris

They'll do alt right. They trump my old ones anne frankly that's all I'm asking. And at $40 there's no need for any economic anxiety.

- Anonymous

They do okay in the snow, but stay out of the heil

- Natalie Kue

The customer questions section was also flooded with comments about The Second World War:

How good are these for walking into Poland?

They take out the Polish competition for sure. 

- Sarissa

What’s the best way to tie the laces?

With concentration. 

- Marc M

If I wear these boots, will Fuhrer notice me?

How could he nazi you?

- Timothy A

Will these boots hold up for a guy working a nein to five shift?

I'd say they're the reich boot for the job

- Anonymous

indy100 has approached for comment.

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