Greg Evans
Jan 31, 2019
For journalists, asking questions shouldn't really be that hard, seeing as it's what they're paid to do.
However, when interviewing a blind person or someone of any disability, the question 'is there anything you can't do' should probably be avoided.
Unfortunately, that's exactly what NBC News correspondent, Kristen Dahlgren asked when she interviewed 11-year-old Faith Murray for the Nightly News in December.
Murray was being profiled for her work on the Talking Information Network, a radio station in Massachusetts for the visually impaired.
The segment features testimonies from her friends and colleges about this inspiring young girl but it suddenly gets very awkward when Faith makes a very witty point to Dahlgreen's question.
Is there anything you can't do, Faith?
Faith comes back with a one-word answer which is quite something.
That's her answer. "See".
Dahlgreen laughs but has to ask again.
Is there anything other than that?
Faith really isn't willing to play along with this and replies:
NBC released this segment on Christmas Eve last year but after the Twitter user @calistagif tweeted this short clip of the interview on Wednesday, it has gone massively viral and at the time of writing, has received more than 86,000 retweets, 240,000 likes and 3.8 million views.
People weren't sure if they should laugh or not.
Some noticed that the headline for the piece was also slightly problematic.
For many, she reminded them of Toph Beifong, a blind character from the animated TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Let this be a lesson to anyone asking questions in an interview.
More: Blind woman told her guide dog isn't allowed on bus because he's black

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