The King School has faced countless allegations of racism from an Instagram campaign for justice
Staff at a private school in Stamford, Connecticut have said sorry to Black students past and present after an Instagram account brimming with accusations of racism was set up and quickly went viral.
The anonymous account @BlackAtKing shared experiences of Black students who attended the private King School and the racism they had endured, naming staff members and so on. The account included detailed descriptions of anti-Black stereotyping, dress code double standards and hair microaggressions. An investigation was carried out after they were shared on the social media app.
“During my time at King it was very obvious that black girls were fetishized by certain male classmates, “ an anonymous post read, which was shared in June 2020.
“One time Mr C***** made a comment about how black girls hate having their hair touched. As a black girl who truly couldn’t care less (as long as the person asked) I was bothered when he chose to come up to my seat and say, ‘Guys she’s gonna get so mad, don’t touch her hair’ and my fellow classmates laughed, ‘omg what would you do if I touched your hair right now?’” another post from June 2020 read.
A number of posts share details, such as names and photographs, of individual teachers.
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The school decided not to comment on the accusations when asked by Newsweek, but they did send a note apologising for the “eye-opening and heartbreaking testimonies” from the students, alongside efforts to rectify their issues such as community engagement and other culture inclusive initiatives.
“We deeply regret and apologise for the pain suffered by anyone within our walls.” Their letter said, acknowledging that they were “not isolated events.”
This is one of many similar Instagram accounts that emerged to highlight racism experienced by Black students at private schools. One account called @BlackAtPingry stated that at a New Jersey prep school people labelled Covid-19 the “China virus” and threw a Senior Servant Day as a fundraiser.
In response to The King School letter, the Instagram account has demanded action.