Joanna Taylor
Jul 29, 2020

Screengrabs: Youtube
A YouTuber took his one man Black Lives Matter protest to "America's most racist town" and it went exactly as you might expect.
Rob Bliss held up a 'Black Lives Matter' poster in various public places around Harrison, Arkansas, a city known for being a hotbed of white supremacist movements.
Both Harrison's mayor and county judge officially recognise June as 'Confederate History Month', while the city's most recent documented racially-motivated murder occurred in 2010.
Thom Robb, leader of the Ku Klux Klan moved to the nearby town of Zinc in the 1970s, while in the 1980s the anti-gay Christian group Kingdom Identities Ministries was founded in Harrison and later identified as a hate group.
While holding his Black Lives Matter sign, Bliss was approached by several white people who threatened him and berated him.
One man drove by and called out "have a little pride in your race, brother! White pride worldwide!"
The slogan "white pride worldwide" is believed to have originated on Stormfront, a website created by former Alabama Klansman Don Black in 1995.
Others told him "I wouldn't stay after dark" and "you could get hospitalised".
One man threatened Robb directly, saying: "In about ten minutes I'm going to be back, you better be f*cking gone".
Another described the Black Lives Matter movement as "the biggest hoax there ever was", after which another chimed in "it's the next thing to ISIS".
Robb's video ends with an unidentified person handing him a note that says:
Ignore the haters you’re being peaceful. What you’re doing is good, just a friendly reminder, don’t give up hope.
The video attracted nearly half a million views in a single day.
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