
Bill de Blasio jokes about auditioning for Alvin and the Chipmunks after audio glitch in Iowa video

It’s important for public figures to have a sense of humour about themselves, and Democratic presidential hopeful and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is no exception.

After a video shown at an Iowa event featured a glitch that made his voice sound high-pitched, de Blasio tweeted:

A cancelled flight can't stop me from sharing my vision for putting unions and working people first (or apparently from auditioning for Alvin and the Chipmunks).

De Blasio tweeted after his appearance. “To @IowaAFLCIO: Stay tuned for a less-glitchy video featuring my actual (and less entertaining) voice.”

De Blasio blamed flight issues for the glitch in the video which was shown at an event for the labour company AFL-CIO.

While event organisers reportedly attempted to fix the audio, his voice still sounded high-pitched – and one of his spokespeople told CNN, “It was obviously a technical glitch.“

The video showed de Blasio voicing his support for workers and discussing his plan for labour. When it was shown again later in the event, his voice reportedly had lost its high-pitched quality.

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